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February 12, 2010


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Jack Lessenberry posits this statement, as though it were an article of faith:

"After years of deficits and cuts, there is simply no fat left to trim."

Is it a true statement? I would suggest that it is at least a debatable statement. Which is why a legislative debate would be a very good thing for the State of Michigan.

Here is this, from the Mackinac Center:


And this reminder, that Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's reaction (however dubious it might be in fact) to a large tax increase in Oregon was essentially, 'We're going to compete for those Oregon jobs!'


(Some may argue, quite rightly, that Michigan has avoided some of the high-tax problems of both the City of Chicago and the State of Oregon. To the extent that is true, it is to Michigan's credit. Also credit to the Republicans in Michigan, whose numbers are sorely absent in the City of Chicago and the State of Oregon.)

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