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December 16, 2009


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For some reason, Jack Lessenberry always seems reluctant to post web links to primary source material. Here is a link to the AG opinion released yesterday:


The opinion seems to me to be good, solid legal writing. With the link, you can review it for yourself. From my own experience, the wait-time of four months for a formal AG Opinion, which can have the force of law under some esoteric legal circumstances, is not an unreasonable length of time. There have been many shorter waits, and some formal opinions that have taken much longer than this one. That pattern goes way back, through the era of Frank Kelley, The Eternal General.

I'm not quite sure why it is that Mr. Lessenberry seems so disappointed that the Secretary of State Land and the AG's office haven't immediately launched a prosecution of Kilpatrick; a reading of this opinion seems to me to offer a sound analysis as to such procedural matters, and a good explanation for the status quo.

Anyway, apart from the apparently congenital need to criticize Republicans for the sound discharge of their duties, this represents good reporting.

I give Mr. Lessenberry three stars; lost points only for failing to provide the original source link, and for pointless attacks on Cox and Land.

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