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October 27, 2009


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When is Governor Granholm going to show some leadership by proposing cuts to her paymasters, the public sector employee unions?

This governor is and has been a disaster; her Lieutenant, John Cherry, would be more of the same.

Time for change. Time to vote for a Republican for governor, and get back to serious, realistic budget-cutting, because Michiganians are not going to vote for tax increases.

Thank you Mr. Lessenberry for your support of MSU Extension and the Agricultural Experiment Stations. We really appreciate it.

Great insight as usual - our state cannot afford to lose vital programs like AES & CES - we all deserve better than these games coming out of Lansing.

This is absolutely outrageous. MSU extension drives agriculture in Michigan. We have to be in the running the stupidest elected officials in history.

All I want to say is, you have a cool blog, keep posting.

Time for change. Time to vote for a Republican for governor, and get back to serious, realistic budget-cutting, because Michiganians are not going to vote for tax increases.

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