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May 18, 2009


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One small point that got too little time in the "On the Record" interview with Patrick Anderson, was the identification of Michigan's "structural" budget deficit.

In years to come, what we are likely to see is that many levels of government in the state of Michigan (i.e., the state, and counties like Wayne and Macomb) will see that the gold-plated benefits and pensions that were promised to municipal employees are bankrupting them, much like the benefits promised to the UAW by the Detroit Three. In contrast, Oakland County, which has seen marginally lower taxes and better growth, with bare-bones governmental growth, is likely to be in a better position to survive lean years in the future.

You seem to mention term limits quite often. Do you feel term limits are a cause of Michigan's gutless, rudderless legislators.

I agree, there's nobody at the tiller.

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