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August 01, 2008


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This is all true, just as Mr. Lessenberry has written.

But when we begin to wonder why cars can't be made as simple, as light, as innovative and as economical as a Model T, one place to look is at our friendly federal government in the post-Nader era. Air bags, collapsing bumpers, and "crashworthiness" in general have added much weight to cars. Automakers now face a nightmare patchwork of emissions regulations if some California Democrats havbe their way. What would old Henry Ford have said if he were told that the Highland Park plant had to make 17 different Model T's to comply with 17 different environmental codes?

"I often hear now-a-days, the automobile instigated good roads; that the automobile is the parent of good roads. Well, the truth is, the bicycle is the father of the good roads movement in this country."

-- Horatio Earle, the founder of MDOT and a bicyclist.

I have submitted your article to http://www.autocar-live.com which is a social site where users can submit car/auto articles and vote for already submitted articles. Register and vote for the article to appear on the frontpage at http://www.autocar-live.com/upcoming.php

Interesting post. Thanks for the share.

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