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July 26, 2007


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Adam Chalom builds a brilliant bridge amongst all the Secular Humanist while celebrating his roots. Work he began while young. My heart goes out to you Adam at this time of deep sorrow. Thank you

Adam Chalom is single handedly responsible for destroying Jewish families and Jewish identity. He continues to condone intermarriage, free love and sexual perversions. His lack of faith in the Creator of the universe has given his followers an excuse to ignore ALL Jewish law. Thereby causing them to detach from our unique heritage.

rabbi's Wine and Chalom with their selfish and immoral intentions have attempted to reduce Judaism to chicken soup, homosexuality, intermarriage, and most offensively a lack of respect for one's parents. They claim responsibility themselves for their own gift of life.

I had the pleasure of running a book club with Rabbi Adam Chalom many years ago in Southfield MI. He is a brilliant, insightful, compassionate and open-minded man. While I am not an atheist, I believe that Adam embodies the values of Judaism far more than many people I have met, and certainly more than those who feel so free to criticize him.

flashgordon11 said:

"Adam Chalom is single-handedly responsible for destroying Jewish families and Jewish identity."

So basically you're saying that Rabbi Chalom is more of a detriment to Judiasm than the Holocaust?

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