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November 01, 2006


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I'm kind of conflicted about this. It is true that in a lot of cases, our elected officials vote against the public will or the public interest. Its nice to have some way to keep them accountable in areas where they refuse to act, such as with the minimum wage. At the same time, the reason why we have elected officials is to deal with complex policy issues that voters don't have the time to deal with on a regular basis. We vote for Representatives that share our values, trusting that they translate those values into public policy that we would agree with, if we understood it.

With our upcoming budget crisis, the last thing we need to do is keep tying the legislature's hands. I usually don't vote in favor of ballot proposals just based on the principle that these complex policy measures are probably better handled by the experts.

After the election is over, we need to take a hard look at this issue.

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