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September 22, 2005


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One of the most significant pioneers in womens rights had deep roots in Michigan. Katharine Dexter McCormick was born [1875] at her grandfather Judge Samuel W. Dexters Gordon Hall [Historic District] at Dexter, Michigan. Never heard of her? Here's more.
After she became the first woman to receive a science degree from MIT [1904], Katharine Dexter McCormick became co-founder of the League of Women Voters and also single-handedly shepherded the research and availability of the birth control pill. Nearly unknown to succeeding generations, by her choice, these and other accomplishments merited her posthumous induction into the National and Michigan Womens Halls of Fame within this decade. Her nomination was championed by 21st century women inspired by her life dedication to improving the status women in society. This kind of feminism lives on and is still needed. Society cannot be whole and strong until each part of society is whole and strong.
Alice Ralph
Ann Arbor

How do you think the right-wing Christain movement is effecting the womens movement and womens rights. It seems that we are at a threshhold were the rights we have fought for in past decades are being slowly watered down and movings us backwards.

While listening to your Great Show about Feminism, I was struck by the caller that was concerned about “boys” getting behind in school and on scores. Both Business Week in August 04 and The Toledo Blade have covered this subject and bemoaned about what will happen to boys as some colleges actually have more females than males – Imagine that! I graduated with an MBA in 1986 and only 15% of that class was women. It is time we were well represented in schools.

I’m not going to worry about this until we have

250 CEOs of the Fortune 500 that are Women

200 Congresswomen in Washington

50 Women Senators in Washington

25 Women Governors

1 Woman President

ONLY THEN will I even listen to whiney men about boys getting left behind.

Linda Fay

Hi Jack! I loved your show today on Feminism. I am the female Local #252 Union Electrician from Clarklake who called in.

I think that the beginning and end of your show really summed things up. Feminism means equal rights, and respect for both men and women, and we need to continue our fight! I would like to know what I can do to help. Pat and Dyann talked about going to Washington. What can men and women do to insure that we are treated equally??? I can't believe in this day and age that we are still having this conversation of equal pay.

Sincerely, and with Respect, Chris

How can a Feminist be a true supporter of women's rights if they abort little women in the womb who have under the 1st and 14th amendments the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Choice is not a choice just for mothers who seek to abort but choice to live should be the fetus's right to life as well. If Feminism and pro-choice are synonimous, then let me be a maschulinist who says that all little babies - girls and boys - should have the equal right to life as the mother's have to th their so called privacy. If mothers kill their child in the womb, and then teach the public that feminism is good; me thinks they protest to much and must see that no women can kill other women in the womb and still have a soul left to call "right" - because they who hold pro-choice views are not only feminine, but are also enfanticidists - which is so contrary to the whole etiology of motherhood, feminine, and nurturing traits of womankind.

I think that the caller who was concerned about boys being 'left in the dust' was misunderstood by Jack and his guests. I don't believe he was stating that boys are falling behind due to Feminism. They are falling behind because of current educational practices. The website link I've included is a to a recent Diane Rehm show with guest Michael Gurian, the author of "The Minds of Boys". His book addresses this issue. Please give it a listen!

Further, I think that Linda Fay's comments are a bit harsh. If boys are falling behind, the time to tackle the problem is now, not later, when the situation becomes a crisis. Like Linda, I'd also like to see the numbers of women in the positions she listed, especially a woman president. Still, you're only talking about a total number of 1,051 positions out of a population approaching 300 million. Very few people of either sex will ever reach those lofty places.

If we want to have equity at the top, we must make sure we have equity all the way below too. And that requires that we eliminate poverty, racial injustice, lack of affordable healthcare, war, and that we take care of the environment and much, much more. The only way to achieve those goals is through love and inclusion.

Some callers during the show were looking for more information on how to get help on issues like workplace discrimination, sexual harassment and domestic violence.

Here is some info on groups that can help:

Domestic and Sexual Violence

The Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence has a list of organizations around the state where you can get help: Link.

One caller also mentioned that the WYCA offers shelter and help for women affected by domestic violence.

Here is the YWCA page with information on how to get help: Link.

Discrimination and Sexual Harasment

Patricia Hill Burnett gave us information on a national organization that works for gender equality in the workplace: Legal Momentum

And here is a list of organizations around the Michigan that can help with discrimination or harassment at work.

Michigan Department of Civil Rights
(800) 482-3604

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
McNamara Bldg., 8th Flr.
477 Michigan Avenue
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 226-7636
EEOC Detroit office on the web

Michigan Employment Security Agency
7310 Woodward
Detroit, MI 48202
(313) 876-5000

Michigan Women's Commission
Michigan National Tower
124 W. Allegan Street
Lansing, MI 48933
(517) 373-2884

Please share any info you find on other groups or organizations in the state that can help.

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