What is Podcasting?
Podcasting delivers audio to your desktop in the form of mp3 files. Unlike regular downloads, it’s an automatic feed. Once you “subscribe” to the feed, you get updated audio delivered to you whenever new content is available. You can listen to the audio in the same way that you listen to other mp3 files on your computer, or you can use available software to transfer the files to your mp3 player.
What do I need to get podcasts?
You need to have software to get podcast subscriptions. There are several options, including the latest version of iTunes, ipodder for Windows/Mac/Linux or Odeo. Once you install the software, you can subscribe to, and hear, podcasts on your computer, as long as it has a sound card and can play mp3 files. If you want to listen away from your computer, you need to have a portable mp3 player, like an iPod or Rio, so you can transfer the files.
How do I subscribe to Podcasts?
Right-click the link attached to "Subscribe" (or Control-click in MacOS) and select "Copy Link Location" or "Copy Shortcut.” You may then paste the link into your podcasting software. You can right-click or control-click on the links below, as well, to paste those additional links into your software.
How much do Podcasts cost?
Podcasts are free to you, an enhancement of the service we provide on-air and online. But they cost us money – for production and for the Internet bandwidth to send them to you. If you enjoy our podcasts, please consider supporting Michigan Radio.
More on Podcasting
Podcasting from Wikipedia
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