These days, whenever people talk about taxes and the high cost of government, I think of the Ice Man. On this day in 1991, a frozen body was discovered in the Austrian Alps.
It turned out to be the corpse of a prehistoric man who had been dead for more than 5,000 years.
There’s lots we’ll never know about the ice man, but we are fairly sure he didn’t pay state taxes. On the other hand, there weren’t any roads. There weren’t any police or schools. There also wasn’t any health department – his autopsy showed he had worms. And he could have used some police protection, since he had an arrow in his shoulder that probably caused him to bleed to death.
These days, most of us pay more taxes than the iceman – and are better off. Taxes, as Oliver Wendell Holmes said long ago, are part of the price we pay for a civilized society.
That doesn’t mean we can’t moan about them. But we have to get real. We all might be able to buy a new flat-screen TV if we stopped funding
Michigan’s universities, but that would kill our state’s ability to compete in the economy of the future.
Without world-class universities, Michigan could turn into Mogadishu – with ice storms. Unless we fix our roads properly, we risk paying a lot more when a pothole destroys our car.
Our lawmakers, from the governor on down, need to face the truth contained in two clichés. First of all, you get what you pay for. And second, there really ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. Wendell Holmes was right. A civilized society is worth paying for, unless you prefer the Iceman’s life –cold, illiterate and infested with worms.
And incidentally, Justice Holmes was a Republican.
- Jack Lessenberry
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